I'm having trouble getting my filament to stick to the print bed, and what type of build plate should I use?
For the best results when using our materials we recommend using a textured PEI build plate, a smooth PEI build plate, or one of the newer (as of the time of writing) "cool" / "ice" build plates; such as the Darkmoon3D ICE build plate.
Having a clean build plate is the first step to achieving good bed adhesion. Over time oils from your skin, as well as other residues and contaminants, can transfer to the surface of your build plate and interfere with bed adhesion. Click here to view our article on how to clean a build plate. TLDR: For most build plates the most effective method of cleaning is with a mild dish soap (such as name brand Dawn) and warm water.
The next step in achieving good build plate adhesion is ensuring that your z-offset (the distance between the tip of your hotend nozzle and the build plate) is set correctly, and that your build plate is level relative to your hotend. Older printers have mechanical endstops and bed screws that must be manually adjusted in order to set these parameters correctly, however, automated systems for bed leveling and z-offset setting have become significantly more common; and most newer 3D printers are able to self-calibrate and set the parameters automatically.
Written in December 2024 by Taylor Herrin